Planning consent triumph

We are very pleased to have obtained planning permission for a contemporary extension to a grade II listed Victorian Old Rectory building, in an important conservation area setting, adjacent to the listed church, and all within the South Downs National Park.
The scheme includes further internal alterations to the buildings including new doorway openings which will achieve a linked sequence of rooms adjacent to the new extension, which includes a new kitchen.
The extension will features a large glazed wall facing the garden, with integral and adjustable solar shading arrangements. The kitchen will become a thoroughly modern space providing an indoor/ outdoor relationship to this part of the garden, all forming a courtyard experience with direct view of the church nearby. On the other side of the extension a linking canopy leads to a new backdoor entrance arrangement, providing convenience from the car parking area.
The extension is single storey with a low pitched zinc roof, set against this grand three storey stone building with tall gables. The intention is that the new work will therefore contrast, but achieve this using materials that will complement and add interest , with carefully crafted detail befitting this splendid and well built house.