
Passiv Haus and Noel Wright Architects

Passive House

Time  to stop talking about it and get on and do it!   Noel has signed up for the formal Passiv Haus design training this November.

Why? I’ve been convinced for some time that Passiv Haus is the proper and meaningful way forward in energy efficient building design.  And over the last couple of years we have seen more and more uptake. The climate change agenda doesn’t go away, it just becomes ever more embedded.  This last couple of weeks has been full of the Volkswagen emissions scandal, and its got us all thinking.  Its just not acceptable any more to carry on doing things  in the way we did before, like polluting  the air.  Today’s products must be fit for the 21st century, and I’d like to include buildings in that.

The really positive thing is that Passiv Design is not just about saving the planet, its about making buildings that will be a lot more comfortable to live in, the right temperature throughout, good air quality, healthy environments, etc.

I’m not sure how many of us are actually ready for it , as a fully fledged Passiv building is a step beyond what we are used to in our everyday living experience, but everyday the gap between what we expect from our houses and what we expect from our car, washing machine, computer, etc seems to get wider and wider. Sooner or later  we will expect better environmental design in  our buildings, and to me Passiv Haus appears to be the best route to that better place .   And even if the situation doesn’t call for meeting the full Passiv Haus energy standard of 15 w/m, increasingly the same design methodology (Passiv Haus Planning Package) is being used as a tool to arrive at the best solution.

So from this November we should be able to offer Passivhaus Design, in addition to  to our existing skills.